Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Good Morning after lying bed awake for more than half the night I decide to get up and do something useful. I cleaned my desk which is amazing how in 5 minutes in can be such a mess. After I write to you I will do some book work. Then I must work on fruit peaches, blueberries, and apples and get them in the freezer and maybe some apple sauce.
My youngest son ended up coming home again from Bridge Lake came down with my parents who met up with my oldest son ( who is trying out for a hockey team) he got home sick again. I know how he feels I get very homesick and I don't even have to go away just plan a trip and I want to stay home:)
Yesterday the whole day was used up by moving irrigation, dealing with goats, regular chores, mowing the lawn (which is no easy task if you have ever seen my yard you would know why)
I have been planning what to make for Christmas gifts I know it is early but I have a lot to do and it comes up real fast.
I really hope to go to spinning tomorrow but now I don't know with my little boy home and we may have to go pick up the logging truck but I am still scheming and I might be able to go yet. Well I must go to work now have a great day.

1 comment:

Brightmeadowfarms said...

Hi, love your blog. I linked to you by a common interest in my blogspot profile... Was it knitting? farming? Not sure now. I'm in a game of blog tag, and I'm tagging you. You're it, if you want to play along, just leave a comment on my blog and then tag seven more people. Follow the instructions in my post on my blog. It will be interesting to see where the chain ends up.