Friday, October 26, 2007

I was to busy to write a post yesterday Miss Hyacinth had her needle at school and she was a bit scared so I went to be with her that is plain torture they take four kids into a room ask their name have a little chat then they have to sit and and wait. It broke my heart for those kids there is another job on my list I don't want!!!!!! After I left the school I came home got my walking Poles and walked down to my neighbor and cleaned from 11:30 until 3:30 walked home flew to the bus brought the kids home then left right away for town to a school student led conference then to hockey, then home and the night flew by. We have another big break down on the Logging truck so we get to stress over that it is not an easy one hard to get parts etc.
Today is the soccer tournament so cross your fingers for nice weather it is usually very cold, then preteen dance tonight the little kids need to dress in orange and black that is easy enough thank goodness no costumes I don't really like Halloween. My oldest daughter is off to Lumby to visit her boy friend but must be home first thing in the morning to head off to hockey. My oldest son is off to Sicamous to play hockey this weekend another long story but I hope it will all be positive this town can suck the life out of a day real fast.
Well must run have a great day and I will check in real soon.

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