Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Here on the farm it has been crazy busy. Everyday is non stop. We have finished kidding, we finally had Miss Molly the milk cow calve she never got bred until into her third heat so it was a waiting game of being tied to the farm. She had a lovely little heifer calf, the calf is so full of spunk she is running, kicking her feet up and chasing the poor chickens. Molly was completely riled up she is settling now. I have managed to milk her but we have not used the milk yet. I think I will keep it next week. I really want to make butter.
We are now onto lambing so we shall see how long drawn out this season becomes. The gardens are coming along nicely we have had some great rain. As soon as it dries up the weeding will begin.

With our children it has been super busy we have had a kid finish school graduate with a BBA HON. The ceremony is this weekend and she is now looking for a job. We have had a kid practicing, practicing and more practicing for a drivers test which he passed and is now driving on his own now. We have had a kid been away two major forest fires. We have a kid nearly finished his Finning's heavy duty mechanic course and he will also be looking for a job. We have a kid who bought a house and has started her business. We have had a kid who just went for an interview and starts her new job on Monday and throw in (she had to do a drug test) so crazy. So our life is as crazy as usual and does not look like it is going to slow down.

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