Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy times here  on the farm we cut down some old fruit trees that had died. I will pretend it was nature...but really my Alpacas and Goats are to blame. I would like to put a few more trees in but Spring planting can get expensive so I will have to wait a bit.
I was so surprised how heavy the trees were. My load was so big and heavy it took two trips.
This weekend we planted some vegetables so I do hope the weather is going to decide to be nice now. We are still freezing it like sit near zero just to make us worry.
We have been washing our deck, bleaching the siding and the front door. We had a tom cat that would come and mark his territory and the smell was so awful after the rain the other day. We now have painted the floor of the deck a lovely purple mauve. Next is the outside door and screen. Can you guess what colour?

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