Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Savannah and Hunter. Here they look like they are having a cuddle but he was so being so bad chasing goats, rolling in things and just not listening. As cute as he is very bad.
Today I went to a meeting at the local college with my daughter about taking courses. It was a lovely building, I really wish I could have had a tour. Then we came home and I did some chores. It is quite exciting my dad's chickens are new and have finally started to lay eggs. I think he found eleven today.
Our weather was quite nice today but I keep hearing that we are in for one of the worst cold, piles of snow in fifty years. It will be interesting to see what happens. I do not always believe it. This year was to be one of the worst driest fire burning summers. Well we ended up with quite a bit of rain.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo!
Nanas' hair looks Golden!