Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We think the big fat dog in the middle is a bit slow, she really is a love. Her whole aim in life is to be comfy and she thinks the gravel is just there for her benefit to roll on.
I was going to put a post up earlier but I was so mad with hockey I figured it would just be about how much I hate it Rep parents, coaches suck etc, etc, etc so I figured I had better avoid it and not go there and be the better person.
I went on my last Nordic pole walk tonight it was nice I had to totally concentrate on not going fast so I could stay with the group but I am a naturally fast walker. I may join again in the spring but that time of year is really busy. I also went and got my passport picture today horrible picture but at least it is done now to finish the paper work and get my dentist to sign it.
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Anonymous said...

Hey Gigi, i always read your blog and have tried to comment recently but it wouldn't work,so I will try again with new method.I just got back from visiting my sister in Singapore so the differences in light and space between there and Canada were just amazing to see in your photos.There is no space in Singapore!It is very squashy and many people live in high rise.I am very much appreciating where I live!Always great to read your happenings,you make me feel very lazy!The new driver thing is very daunting isn't it?I think the worry lessens with time.Take care,love to Sal and family.Jane

Anonymous said...

Hey Gigi, i always read your blog and have tried to comment recently but it wouldn't work,so I will try again with new method.I just got back from visiting my sister in Singapore so the differences in light and space between there and Canada were just amazing to see in your photos.There is no space in Singapore!It is very squashy and many people live in high rise.I am very much appreciating where I live!Always great to read your happenings,you make me feel very lazy!The new driver thing is very daunting isn't it?I think the worry lessens with time.Take care,love to Sal and family.Jane