Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wrapping presents, making chocolate, watching Christmas shows, going to dances, attending our very last Elementary Christmas Concert, kids going for dinner. A very busy life we are having. Sam had a very short and sweet concert only 45 minutes long. Which for us that is perfect as Allan has to work at 11:30 tonight. I only have Sam home tonight which is kinda weird.
Tomorrow is my husbands birthday. I have not even had time to bake a cake but I still have tomorrow while he is at work.
Today at my youngest son's school a boy dialed 911 from the extra phone. It caused all kinds of stress for the school. Four police cars and one police truck two police offers in each vehicle... and nothing wrong prank call.... Man I be that poor kids is in trouble. I am so glad mine was far away from it all. He was in the field playing soccer. I did however have a good talk with mine so he knows how serious it is to use 911 if nothing is wrong. I think actually it will have been a good lesson for all the kids at the school. So I am off to check dogs it is still getting very cold here at night.
Poor Miss LULU has been spayed I am now 368.00 short. Man I so should have been a vet...She seems to be doing well it has not slowed her down at all. She is now the proud owner of a very large dollar sign.
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