Friday, April 09, 2010

A very funny girl being silly. A side of her we do not see to often. Oh only when she is tormenting her poor Dad who she loves to pieces.
A very cool morning and fresh snow on the ground. However the sun is shining beautiful so bright and clear. I am totally stalling until it warms up outside before I head out.
My daughter phoned me this morning she was visiting a light house and the Atlantic Ocean. I am so excited for her. How amazing. I so need a Light house run!!!
Even though I am quite nervous of the ocean. I love a good fix every now and then. No I do not need to swim in it...No I do not need to lay on a beach... I need to look, find rocks, hold shells see drift wood... Nothing better than having my ipod on on listening to wonderful music.
As I write this I can hear my very beautiful birds, they sound so pretty. Sometimes a beautiful song can be heard.
I asked my husband if we could build another bird cage ( I bet you can guess how that went over)... (how awful is the word NO)
I know I can build it myself. I think I will make another one in a Beach theme this one could be for my canary. Ahh so many ideas so little time.
Oh I do wish you could here the birds .
I feel like I am in the middle of Spring time!! with beautiful trees, green moss, warm sunshine on my face and just plain happiness.
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