Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our weather has not been very nice. It now needs to warm up so our roads dry. It has been a busy week. Not too sure on what has been accomplished. I did start the green house and I may plant some seeds tomorrow and I also planted some peas and sweet peas today.
We are having some trees brought down up top. It is good to have the dead trees removed. It will make us feel safer this summer during the hot weather.
Miss Lulu is so thin I have started to tie her up a bit during the day. She runs and plays all day and does not quit for two minutes. This is the only way I can get her to slow down. If her de worming does not help I think I will have to take her into the vet and see what is up. Man those damn vets soak you their cost is crazy.
Well I am just waiting on my daughter to phone me then it is off to bed for me.
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