Sunday, March 28, 2010

A full day today. Our two billet girls came. They had a very long day and were absolutely knackered. The week planned with the school is full also. We had to wait around in town today for quite awhile so a lot of day went with not getting anything done. I had the boys fix the fence for me while I was in town. Then I opened the gate so all goats and sheep are together. The black male Alpaca jumped at his gate and broke it open so he is now in the with the girls which is so not good. Mark the calender for one year...for babies. Then we had this miserable whether smashing the Alpacas legs it was awful. The whether was suppose to be quite tame which he is but the move her has triggered of an uncertainty feeling in him and he is going after the Llama and Alpaca males really bad so I as soon as I get some tags he will be going. I can not keep anything that we have to look over our shoulders with.

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