Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today we did a whirl wind trip to Kamloops. We found a very nice grad dress. I am so glad we have that done. The grad dresses were a bit of a disappointment. I thought they were in rough shape, frayed, pulled threads. Do you know what Velcro does when it hooks onto something that is what some of the dresses had on them. I felt that some of the dresses were dirty. For over $500.00 they should be a 100%. Don't you think.
Tomorrow my kids hockey tournament starts. I am so done with hockey. I don't care if I see another hockey arena for the rest of the year.
I had better get kids ready for bed or no one will get up in the morning.
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1 comment:

Jane said...

yes the grad dresses should b in good shape,i am trying to encourage my 15 yr old to think about her school ball coming up, [they have a ball for the last 2 yrs of school here,one in yr eleven and one in yr twelve],but i think we are both might just creep up on us.aah