Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Last night I could not sleep if you paid me. I have been going on 1/2 hour sleep I have been up since 1am. However I have acccomplished lots. Actually I am quite pleased with myself. Can you believe it was raining today that is so crazy we go from freezing to that.
We went to Kamloops this afternoon and picked up my MIA files on the truck then stopped at Micheals and Chapters, bought bread and came home.
In my no sleep state last night I decided I am going to make a purse so now to plan it out, I think I will go cream colours with differnt yarns, satin ribbons and I think I will make it on a loom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dr. says if a person doesn't get 7-8 hrs a night of sleep they shorten their life span by 9 years. You could do a lot of knitting and weaving in 9 years!

Go to Sleep!!! your family needs you.