Saturday, February 02, 2008

Today I cleaned out our kidding barn we are starting to get ready for kidding to start at the end of the month. I hope it warms up and I hope it goes smooth. Our gates are a night mare I need to raise them but anyone who raises goats knows the gates need to be close to the ground.
Our big fat dog was left behind in the barn this morning and she was walking around the pen looking for a way to get out and teh baby Alpaca's were so scared. It was quite cute when I went to let her out the babies were humming. Last week I lost our smallest Alpaca it was really sad she was very cute.
Today was a hockey day my oldest son won his first play off game in Summerland, my youngest daughter won her game in Chase and she got two goals. It is funny she really did not want to go but decided to at the last minute and had fun. She was scared to play some of the older girls. My two girls lost their game in Osooyous (do not know how to spell that) it was sad a boy on their team broke his arm and had to go into surgery tonight. Poor guy I bet he was scared.
Well must go to bed full hockey tomorrow we leave home by 7am and I have been given orders to be there with my camera from my pushy older son who thinks he and his team mates all standing in line for O CANADA with Mohawks is worth a photo.
Spell check has not been working for the last few posts so if it does not make sense sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do so much - and blogging too! Running to hockey for one child consumes many parents I know.
Great slippers and scarf!