Sunday, November 15, 2009

One of our favorite moments in the day is to look for the Eagle. Well yesterday did not disappoint us. All around us beauty was shining. The fluffy frost / snow stuck to all the grass weeds and branches. Shining and sparkling away. Just waiting for the fairy's to come and dance and dream.
When I was little I lived on Iron Mountain where the winters were a little more severe. Some mornings I remember dressed in my winter coat. I would go outside and be in awe of the sparkles shining and twinkling just calling to me, to come have a look. Today no matter how grown up I am I still admire, dream and wish to see the fairies. Maybe it is just to escape our busy world for a second. I make my kids look, admire and dream. So they too can enjoy a moment when life is passing them by at a hundred miles a minute.
These Eagles are amazing. This guy was so big and majestic. It never fails to make me smile.
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Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos Gig!
I remember the twinkling snow and branches on those startlingly cold but sunny days on Iron Mountain!

Anonymous said...

I see fairies all the time. but i don't tell people.