Sunday, July 26, 2009

How could I not buy this. It was made just for ME!
Two nights no sleep we are having terrible thunder storms. It would not be so bad but we have so much pine beetle kill in our valley. It does make me worry. The kids were standing out on the deck it is covered and under the car port to watch the storm. I really do like to watch it but I admit it totally stresses me out. The poor dogs all were scared. My dad's dog is the worse he gets so scared. I really feel sorry for him. He actually cries. Even Lulu was getting scared and it makes her bark. She has quite a mean bark a big bark.
Now back to why can't I sleep. I am tired I was dead tired yesterday but I can't make myself get a full night sleep. Maybe we are just too busy.
Today I am off to Kelowna with my friend we are off to find the Lavender farm. So be prepared for many pictures. My friend loves taking pictures as much as I do and I plan to learn a bunch of new tricks.
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