As we close in on 2014 I think back to it was a good year for us here on the farm. We were intensely busy with the wedding once the date was changed we flew straight forward and never quit. We had to try to get our place into shape for over one hundred and twenty people in hot, hot intense 50+ degrees. We had a lot of set backs, a lot of things to do some we did not get to we simply ran out of time. We had wind storms that took down fences and trees just weeks before the weeding, we had horrible winter kill on the gardens. We did it the whole family pulled together and we pulled off a beautiful wedding.
We had new additions added to the farm eight new bouncing goats and I am sure I will be kept on my toes cursing this lot as they try my fences. Their new names are of the reindeer Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donor Blitzen!! so that puts us at fourteen goats enough to find trouble I am sure.
A lot of this went on this holiday I am ten toques made for gifts, many scarves, fingerless gloves and blankets. I enjoyed finding the time to make things