Saturday, August 02, 2008

3D Movie

Here are the children watching a movie while they wait for the Hannah Montanna (not sure how to spell her name)3D concert. They sent my oldest daughter with money to work so she could buy the glasses for them.
It was a cool day again but I here it is suppose to warm up tomorrow we had a good 1/2 hour of rain today which we needed. Today we sorted wool so the barn is full of fibre in three different sections very soft, quite soft, and course. Now I will have to decide what to do with it. Tomorrow I have to sort my Alpaca then I am finished and I can start to clean up the barn as I have messed it with all my sorting. I would like to get all these pressing jobs done so I can so something fun like sew or scrap book but there always seems to be more work waiting. I have not been going on as long of walks lately as there has been more bear sightings closer to home but my daughter her dog and I went for a pretty good one. Well I must go to bed have a good night.
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