Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Last night was quite an eventful night. Kids coming and going from Soccer to work to hockey to nosebleeds, kids not feeling well, kids too cold sleep, fires on and on it went all night I am absolutely knackered. Then I just realized after my second cup of coffee it is Wednesday that means no sleep again it is the night my middle son has to be up at 2:20am and I never sleep well on this night. I am scared I will sleep in.
At about last night around 11pm my son's pager went off about 5 seconds after he heard his fire crew mentioned on the scanner ( how clever was that) he was so excited he was flying around getting dressed. Me I was sick he would drive too fast to get into town I must have told him seven times in a few minutes to be careful. This is all so hard on my nerves I hate them driving! I woke up all night hearing trucks listening for him he came home just after five this morning. I am to wake him around 11am to head into work. I am so proud of him it is such a positive job and it gives him a sense of pride. He told me when they have to go into town people stop and talk to them because they are fire fighter ask them question and just want to talk in general. This so much better than the backstabbing bad mouthing of school teenagers I won't miss that for him.
So what will today bring... it looks beautiful out when I went out at five to turn of the sprinklers it was quite nice out. After I get all our chores done I hope to have time to make something or spin or craft or ..... something fun.
Have a wonderful day talk to you all soon.

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