Sunday, March 16, 2008

I painted this lovely bird bath white and it now sits in my hall for a lamp to sit on.

Today was the first day of our two week Spring Break and it was cold, miserable actually it was the wind a very, very, cold wind. I worked out in that wind most of the day. It was trying to snow and it did snow in the night. We have many wiener Roast in the Spring so this was our first one.

I am slowly getting the yard cleaned up from winter and hopefully by the time Easter Bunny comes hopping through it will be all tidy.
Today we rubber banded the baby boy goats that is always an unpleasant job but it is for the best because in the long run a pen full of billy Goats in unpleasant also.
My oldest son and my husband played in a tournament this weekend and their team came first we only went to watch one game.
I started to paint some furniture that I got from my mom's store and we also got our boot room all cleared out so soon we will start laying the new flooring. Actually I am waiting for someone to offer to do it but so far no offer :) So I think it will be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I should go and do some book work but that just does not sound appealing.
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