Monday, September 22, 2008

How grown up is this guy!

Here is my very lovely oldest son. I was so happy Happy to see him. We had a lovely time visiting and we quite enjoyed the town. it is right on the ocean a bit smelly if you are not used to it. A cross between stale water, pulp mill, and rotten water. I love to visit the ocean but I am pretty sure I was not a sailor in my previous life as my stomach was heaving at the smell.
Is he not absolutely cute. He has the most beautiful smile but won't show his perfect teeth in pictures. I will write more about my trip but I must run to the bus this morning.
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Anonymous said...

JOrdan looks great and happy. He looks alot like his dad.
Did you bring home any oysters?

Anonymous said...

He is a spitting image of Alan!!! He looks so handsome Gig!