Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today was a bit cool I worked outside a lot and it felt cold. I cleaned out my son's chicken house we had to put the ducks in with the chickens to keep them safe but man oh man are they messy. Then I brought out the Christmas decorations and I really don't think anyone should have as many as we do! Then I made Nan go with me to find berries and Cedar and some nice willows to decorate the gate. I also started to put up some red bows so it is starting to look like Christmas.
It is so hard to believe that on Monday is December first. It is unbelievably crazy how fast time is going! 2008 is a blur. When I read the news I am worried about 2009. It sounds like it is going to be very hard financially.
I just got home from hockey and it looks like nothing has been done and I must go to bed. I am very tired tonight. Have a wonderful night. Pleasant dreams
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