Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hi guess where I am? I am in Campbell River. I am typing on a mini laptop it is so cute not very easy to use but like anything it will get easier and I will learn to be dainty! We had a wonderful trip down the roads were perfect let us hope it lasts. I watched the news and it is suppose to snow!
My mom bought my boys new running shoes which they both needed theirs were horrible.
We drove to Courtney today my son has not left the drivers seat of my mom's new car.
I decided if I ever won the lottery I would buy a cabin on the ocean. I don't think I would ever live down here but it is fun to visit.
This morning I was laying in bed waiting for my mom to wake when I heard a seal barking. I flew out of bed jumped in the shower woke up my son. Then off to the ocean we went. We saw seals, we saw swans, seagulls, ducks and Canadian Geese.
Then we found so many sand dollars. I was so excited I had to put my hands in the water to get them. Unfortunately it was right next to a dead seal so it was kind of grouse. I spent the rest of the whole day with a very wet coat sleeve slightly smelling of the ocean an dead seals. I wonder if anyone noticed:)
Well I am off if there is any spelling errors just ignore as I mentioned earlier this lap top is very tiny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi gig

Here we are in Texas. No ocean but lots of Mexican food.
Koa is loving Travis and the sun and pool. And some fat dogs.
Had a fun day on the lake in the boat abit of a tan and relax and now a new plan.