Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Don't you wish you were George

Look at this cat's life. All he does is eat, sleep, and play. He has never caught a mouse in his life.
Lazy, lazy , lazy
It is hard to believe how fast the day goes by. My husband is still outside working on his truck. He a has been outside all day since just after 7am. He ate his lunch outside. He is so greasy, black, he is filthy. No work again. This is not good. This afternoon it was so hot we could not work outside. I was planting and it was just hot. As hot as it is I am still not ready to wear a jacket. I did get our front and back deck cleaned off. Plus I cleaned up the glass room. It smells so good in there. It smells wonderful, wonderful ,Lavender.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We find pieces of mice all day long! Yuck!