Monday, September 07, 2009

What a day. This boy ended up in the hospital this afternoon. We were there for four hours. He crashed his dirt bike. Went over the handle bars landed with his knee on a rock. The gash is right beside the other gash that did not heal. The one this Spring when he ran into the wall. Not to sound too nasty his knee looked like jellied white fatty hamburger and I swear it was right down to the bone. You could see his whole knee cap! They did an xray but thank goodness the knee cap was not cracked.
He went through every emotion cried quite hysterical all the way into town. They took him right in because it was a crash. We were still there four hours. He got really chilled and was quivering. Then he started sweating. Poor kid. They never froze it proper and he felt every stitch. I don't get last week Dalton felt every stitch in his head. He is on quite strong antibiotics. Three different antibiotics since March I don't think that is good either.
Tomorrow is school ten to two. I am wondering if Sam should go. He can't walk we found crutches for him. If he opens it he has to go back and get it restitched. He is really sad rep try outs are tomorrow and he was so excited. SOOOOOO here we go again.
I did have a lovely weekend visiting with y sister and her family. Did a bit of gardening and cleaning.
Well I should go I will be full speed ahead for now on.
Oh and guess what still no work....I wonder how long we can last with this.
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