Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'mmmmmm Back

Oh yeah Happy Day I am back with photo's. Oh my gosh total picture withdrawal but here we go brace yourself. And Glen here come my Christmas pictures... Total torture when my brother in Texas asked for photo's from all of us. No won sent any pictures so now I can . I will add to all my siblings you suck at photo's!!!!!
This lovely Peacock has since died a silent death. Sparkle the little kittens who was once so cute knocked the tree down and joined the puppies in chewing it to bits.
A lovely little dragon fly shining and sparkling so beautiful.

A very fat happy family. You can not help but smile and there silly faces. They look quite pleased with them selves.
Last night everyone returned home quite late so the kids did not get to bed until 10:30pm. We have manged to keep our house quite warm however not too much sleep with getting up all night to fill the fire. I will go now and see if they moved my photo's. They were going to move them to a separate file. I will then back them up and then delete!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pics. I can't down load my photos or I would win for sure!