Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It is starting to get cold again. We have been having quite nice weather above freezing . It has dropped to -5 last time I looked. I froze in the arena tonight when it is cold my knees ache so bad it hurts to walk. I am so ready for bed tonight I could not sleep last night I went to bed a 11pm woke up before 1am and I have been up since. So as soon as I finish my tea I am off to find my bed.
Sam is upset first they were not allowed to dress up for Halloween. Now for the Christmas concert they can not sing a Christmas song! He told the principle today that he did not like the song it gave him a headache...oops She told him some kids do not celebrate Christmas so they won't sing a Christmas song. I was thinking about this in my bath tonight earlier he mentioned he needed to wear white gloves so they can be seen with the lights. That had me thinking about the lights. The lights must be giving him head aches. When he was little about three he had shingles and it has triggered off a very sensitive reaction to lights. You will notice he can look quite miserable in photo's from the flash or sunlight. So I will go check it out with the school and see if they are using black lights or strobe lights. Not much I can do about it but it may answer a few questions for us.
Tomorrow we have dentist app.'s starting at 8am and if the weather is good I have to go to Kamloops. Then tomorrow night we have three ice times in a row.
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