Friday, August 07, 2009

It is very windy outside tonight. It makes it quite Smokey out there.
If you watch CMT Chevy countdown in Merritt you will see Jordan. It was his big moment and I guess he did not say too much... too funny. We will look for it tomorrow and tape it for him. He is still out at the fire in Brookmere. They had to come off the fire early as it was getting too active.
Three of my kids are in Bridge Lake, Jord at the fire so it is only Tanisha at home with us.
I hope to work on our deck tomorrow. I also think we have to get parts for the truck tomorrow in Kamloops.
Today I joined Savannah and Tanisha in town and we went for our 5km walk. It was warm but it is always a good feeling when we have done it.
Well I should run. I am tired I have not been sleeping at all lately or actually I wake up a lot. I never know what wakes me up but I am wide awake and then it takes awhile for me to fall asleep again.
So all of you have a wonderful night and I will talk to you all soon

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