Thursday, August 13, 2009

This was a project I started today everywhere you see gravel was grass. It was very hard to get the lawn mower in and to water it. The water would hit the house all the time. So after many, many, many loads of gravel ( I so missed Dalton he was such a wonderful help last time). It is funny now when I looked at it you would not think it was all that much work. It was hard shoveling, heavy wheel barrels really hard to push it across the driveway and into my very hard to get through yard.
Now I am in need of tea and Tanisha baked a chocolate cake for her Dad which I might try.
Poor Allan he had another set back on the damn truck. It was dark and he was following the loader on the landing and ran over a huge huge rock. That split the fuel tank and he lost a whole tank of diesel. A new tank runs around twenty two hundred. However we hope to go to Kelowna and find a second hand one. I am trying to convince him I need to go to Kelowna also. It would be such a shame for him to go all that way and not take us!!!! I think I will make my list of where I would like to go just in case :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The yard looks great! Love all the rocks, should save you at least an hour of mowing time now!