Monday, August 24, 2009

On Sunday my family and I went to another Lavender Arm. This one was a little disappointing. It was a little unkempt, not finished. It had potential just nothing finished through. It was in need of some weeding and a lot of watering. We did have fun though. We can find a good spot anywhere to get a good picture. It did make me smile. We so have a nice yard and some great places to take pictures.
One day you will all have to come visit. I am going to have so much Lavender you will be able to smell it from town. No I don't need lots of Lavender but OH I do love it. I love the colour. I love the smell. I love the look of it. It makes me smile. It makes my Mom happy. Some of my girls love it and the ones that are not sure...will love it when they are it will bring back good memories!!!!
Memories... make them while you can....make them good... make them for you... for your families. You can't please the world so please yourself.
I have been going through some tough personal decisions nothing dramatic just changes. I have sold off my Angora goats. It was one of the hardest things I have to do. I feel so guilty the poor girls. Some people don't get it but I really loved them. We had such a tough winter and we lost so many animals. I just lost heart. It is so hard to go out here everyday to face something that died. I hated it. I will always have goats and some animals. I have a true farmers heart. The angora goats just did not do well here. I will have a few still. My buck who was sick this Spring he is staying. He nearly died and he has pulled through. I still have Big MOMMA she is just going to retire here. Plus I have two little ones who I don't think are overly strong and it would not be fair to sell them. So at this moment they are staying. Anyways I am off to read have a good night.
If any of you have an extra prayer in you Please, please pray for a young girl we know. Her name is Lenette who is suffering a severe head injury and now she has had a stroke and she is only 15. Please keep her in your thoughts.
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