Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This Morning I drove Tanisha in for seven forty five to volunteer at the arena. The I came moves sprinklers did chores. Then after I had some toast with Blackberry jam (which I bought at a fruit stand) I took up several loads of weeds, pine cones, rocks up to the next level of our property. I have been cleaning and it really does look better. I also took some pictures today so I can show you before and after. Sometimes my projects seem so over whelming that I don't know where to start. Then like magic I get this impulse to work and I start. Then it all falls together.
Like the raking I did I thought man this is dumb so much work and hard work. But now it is all done. So I still have many things to move. I am storing all my rabbit cages up top. Again a huge amount of work but I will get it done. So I guess I had better get done . First I will make a new rhubarb leaf stone.

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