Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something about going to Kamloops makes me exhausted. I am so very, very tired. Our day went well. I did a quick trip to Kamloops to meet my sister to pick up my kids. Then we came straight home. Kids all bathed right away and we are still washing clothes. We moved goats and moved chickens trying to decide who is to go and who is to stay.
It was really warm today amazing how it jumps around hot, hotter then cool and cold.
Tomorrow is another day in Kamloops. We are off to buy school clothes. I think we will leave as soon as chores are done however I do not want to be gone all day. When we get home we will have to load the cattle rack and that always makes for a long night. Well I am off to put Miss lulu to bed. So have a great night and I will write more when I am not so tired.
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